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{{ctrl.selsvcData.Admn_SvcItmHdrImgAlt ? ctrl.selsvcData.Admn_SvcItmHdrImgAlt : ctrl.selsvcData.Admn_SvcItmName}} {{ctrl.selsvcData.Admn_SvcItmHdrImgAlt ? ctrl.selsvcData.Admn_SvcItmHdrImgAlt : ctrl.selsvcData.Admn_SvcItmName}}
{{ctrl.selsvcData.Admn_SvcItmPicLink ? ctrl.selsvcData.Admn_SvcItmPicAlt : ctrl.selsvcData.Admn_SvcItmName}}



Best Bridal Makeup Artists in Delhi

Are you looking for the best professional bridal makeup artists in Delhi?  

Whether its your engagement, or your cocktail, or your wedding or reception, you should look stunningly pretty. With MyLA’s professional makeup artists, you will get the best wedding bridal makeup as per your looks, wedding dress color, and wedding theme.

Every Bride wants a perfect look for her wedding. So, if you’re looking for both classy and extremely professional make up in the makeup studio or at venue, you have come to the right place. MyLA connects you with the professionally trained makeup artists online could bring the best in you on your wedding day. 

Find premium bridal makeup artists online for simple Indian bridal makeup look for the day!

Why choose MyLA for best bridal makeup artists online? 

At MyLA, ensuring customer satisfaction and quality of services along with connecting you with the best and professional bridal makeup artists is of primary importance. MyLA has a strong network of the most experienced and certified makeup artists in Delhi that would help you get a trendy look during all your wedding events. Choose the best Bridal Makeup artist in your budget. 

Sign up now and get the best quote from makeup artists to perfect your look on the most memorable day of your life. Book your date!

Attention Makeup Artists in Delhi!!! Join MyLA

Are you a professional makeup artist? We aren’t just a home services supermarket but also an online community of service professionals who also want to expand their business and achieve more sales. If you too are looking for opportunities to increase your clientele, MyLA is the place for you. Whether you are an individual or run a makeup studio of your own, we can help you reach out to more and more customers. Simply become our partner and start selling your services with us. 

You won’t find a better way to improve your reputation and increase your customer base online in the city. For any queries, contact us at MyLA.

How it Works?

  • 1


    Register/Log-in your account by using your phone no. or email Id. Email Id is not mandatory for domestic users but Phone No. is mandatory.

  • 2

    Select And Schedule

    Select your service from available service items from categories and schedule your order on a date and time of your choice.

  • 3


    Select a convenient payment method. You have options of pre payment or POD (payment on delivery - Cash/Card).

  • 4


    You will get an order confirmation through email and SMS. On confirmation your order will go under further processing.

How it Works?

  • 1


    Register/Log-in your account by using your phone no. or email Id. Email Id is not mandatory for domestic users but Phone No. is mandatory.

  • 2

    Select And Schedule

    Select your service from available service items from categories and schedule your order on a date and time of your choice.

  • 3

    Ask Quote

    Give your requirement details for your expected service/product. You will receive multiple quotes susequently.

  • 4


    You will get an quote order confirmation through email and SMS. On confirmation your request for quote will go under further processing.

  • 5

    Accept Quote

    Once your specifications are made you can accept the quote and associated partner will get assigned to you on scheduled date and time.

  • 6

    Work Execution

    Assigned partner will contact you befor visiting you. On your confirmation assigned partner will execute the assignment.

  • 7


    Select a convenient payment method. You have options of pre payment or POD (payment on delivery - Cash/Card).


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{{pin}} location_on Click for Pincodes
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{{subServiceItems.basePriceShow}} ({{subServiceItems.discPercBasePrice}}%) {{subServiceItems.discBasePriceShow}}

Subtotal - {{subServiceItems.subTotalBasePriceToCurrency}} {{subServiceItems.subTotalToCurrency}}
{{ctrl.resendLabel}} {{ctrl.registerCheckoutError}}
You must supply a OTP.

Items in your Cart

{{selectedSubServiceItems.Admn_SubSvcName}} ({{selectedSubServiceItems.selectedSubCategoryTitle}})

{{selectedSubServiceItems.basePriceShow}} ({{selectedSubServiceItems.discPercBasePrice}}%) {{selectedSubServiceItems.discBasePriceShow}}

Subtotal - {{selectedSubServiceItems.subTotalBasePriceToCurrency}} {{selectedSubServiceItems.subTotalToCurrency}}
No items in your cart
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Date is too early!
Date is too late!
This Date is Disable!
Normal Hours
Normal Hours Unavailable
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{{extraField.count}} {{extraField.subsvcName}}
You must provide {{extraField.name}}
You must provide an Full Name.
You must provide an Email.
That doesn't look like a valid Email.
You must provide an Phone Number.
That doesn't look like a valid Phone Number.
You must provide an address.
You must provide an state.
You must provide an city.
You must enter pincode
You must provide an Locality.
Same as above {{addr.typeLabel}}
You must provide an address.
You must provide an state.
You must provide an city.
You must enter pincode
You must provide an Locality.
Extra Details
{{extraField.count}} {{extraField.subsvcName}}
{{extraField.name}} : {{extraField.inputValue}}
Contact Details
Name: {{ctrl.userOrder.custName}}
Email: {{ctrl.userOrder.custEmail}}
Mobile No.: {{ctrl.userOrder.phoneNo}}
Delivery Address
Address: {{ctrl.userOrder.delivery.address}}
City: {{ctrl.userOrder.delivery.city}}
Pincode: {{ctrl.userOrder.delivery.pinCode}}
Locality: {{ctrl.userOrder.delivery.locality}}
Billing Address
Address: {{ctrl.userOrder.billing.address}}
City: {{ctrl.userOrder.billing.city}}
Pincode: {{ctrl.userOrder.billing.pinCode}}
Locality: {{ctrl.userOrder.billing.locality}}
{{ctrl.cpnMsg}} close

Get Coupon

Grand Total: {{ctrl.totalPriceToCurrency}}
Tax: {{ctrl.totalPricetaxAmtToCurrency}}
{{ctrl.totalBasePriceTaxincToCurrency}} {{ctrl.totalPriceTaxincToCurrency}}
Date: {{item.setDate.workDate}}
Time: {{item.setTime.timeSlot}} {{item.setTime.orderTime.timeTypeLbl}}
Price: {{item.basePriceShow}} {{item.basePriceEmrgncyShow}} {{item.fnlPriceShow}}
Quantity: {{item.count}}
Free Services: {{item.freecnt}}
Net discount: {{item.netDiscToCurrency}}
Coupon: {{ctrl.cpncode}}done close
Coupon Rebate: {{item.cpnamtShow}}
Tax: {{item.taxAmtToCurrency}}
Subtotal: {{item.subTotalBasePriceShowToCurrency}} {{item.subTotalShowToCurrency}}
* Membership Benefits of {{item.netDiscToCurrency}} applied to this suborder.
* Price discount of {{item.netDiscToCurrency}} applied to this suborder.
** Coupon Benefits of {{item.cpnamtShow}} applied to this suborder.
** {{item.cpnMsg}}
* Send prescription to whatsApp 7668632672 or Upload here.
Payment Options
Prepaid Paytm Pay On Delivery Credit Card Debit Card Net Banking Upi Prepaid PayPal Pay On Delivery Credit Card Debit Card



This service is not available in {{ctrl.pincode}} area of city {{ctrl.selectedCity}}.

Change city here at top .
order book back
{{pin}} location_on Click for Pincodes
You must enter pincode
Please enter correct pincode
phone {{quoteCtrl.nriRegnErr}}
Please enter credential
Please enter a valid credential
phone {{quoteCtrl.nriRegnErr}}
Please enter credential
Please enter a valid credential
visibility visibility_off lock
Please Enter Password
phonelink_lockOTP Login
Please Enter OTP
Please Enter Valid OTP
{{subCat.Admn_SubCatName}} Washed Out

{{subCat.Admn_SubCatDesc | limitTo:quoteCtrl.letterLimit}}

....Read More

{{}} check_box_outline_blank check_box





remove {{subSvcItem.count}} add

Your Services




remove {{subSvcItem.count}} add
Choose Date and Time
The entered value is not a date!
This date is required!
Date is too early!
Date is too late!
This Date is Disable!
Normal Hours
Normal Hours Unavailable
Emergency Time Slots
You must provide {{field.name}}
Extra Information/Comments
You must provide Remarks/Comments
You must enter First Name
You must enter Last Name
That doesn't look like a valid email.
You must enter Phone no.
That is not a valid Phone Number.
visibility visibility_off lock
Minimum 7 characters and at least 1 special character (~!@#$%^?&*).
Contact Details
You must enter First Name
You must enter Last Name
That doesn't look like a valid email.
You must enter Phone no
That doesn't look like a valid Phone Number.
You must enter Address
You must enter Locality
You must enter State
You must enter City
You must enter pincode
pincode is invalid
pincode is invalid
Same As Previous {{address.typeLabel}}
You must enter Address
You must enter locality
You must enter State
You must enter City
You must enter pincode
pincode is invalid
pincode is invalid
{{item.showtime}} {{item.timelbl}}
Extra Details




Contact Details
Name:{{quoteCtrl.quotesfname}} {{quoteCtrl.quoteslname}}
Delivery Address
Billing Address


This service is not available in {{quoteCtrl.pincode}} area of city {{ctrl.selectedCity}}.

Change city here at top .