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For Uploading the COVID-19 related Medicine Delivery related Prescription, follow the Instruction:

You can Send your Pescription on WhatsApp number 7668632672

You can also Upload Prescription Here UPLOAD

You will have to register while placing an order or you can get registered first before placing an order. You can Login or Register by visiting these links.

You can request a service by visiting our website. You can avail our services by becoming our member. We have a simple and easy process to place an order. You can also call our customer support team on given customer care numbers Contact Us.

We do understand the last minute changes, reschedule, or cancellation your request. You can reschedule or cancel the request within permitted time limit. Once you have confirmed the order and the executive is already assigned to the same, you will be charged a cancellation fee depending on the order value.

You can pay online once the quote against your order has been accepted. You can also pay for the service requested by cash or cheque in favor of Myla. The invoice for the service will be emailed / sms to your registered email address/contact number.

We never store any of your credit/debit card details. All Myla payment pages comply with the latest security standards. The card details entered on the platform are being collected securely using SSL technology. Your information is sent over the secure channels.

Absolutely! We are a team of certified and trusted professionals who have been recommended by the experts. All our service executives have years of experience in their respective fields and thoroughly verified before onboarding.