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LCD LED TV Repair in Gurgaon

Are you looking for TV Repair in Gurgaon? Has your LED stopped working? Tired of searching “led tv repair near me”? 

Well, book the best professionals online on the most trusted website, Myla. Whether you need service professionals for your LCD TV repair work or LED TV Repair, we can help you find the best TV repair shop in Gurgaon. All you need to do is register on our website and schedule your order as per your preferred date and time. Our service professional will be there at your doorstep to serve all your TV repair needs.

So, don’t waste time and register with us. 

TV Repair Service

The days when we used to sit huddled around the ‘black-and-white’ television sets are long gone. Even with the changing times, the television set has become a must-have in households. With our current life revolving around the internet, it is just as convenient for our television sets to be connected to the world.

And with the ultra-modern television sets slowly becoming a part of our appliance ensemble, it becomes imperative that you have the TV sets working just like you’d want it to be. 

But what’s challenging is to find a reliable TV repair service nearby. And especially, if you are living in a hill station like Gurgaon with limited resources. 
But no more worries! With Myla, you can now easily find a TV repair shop in Gurgaon to get your LCDs and LEDs repaired. 

TV Repair in the Modern Age

With the current scenario where entertainment is available across a myriad of platforms and in a variety of forms- you get the sense that you’re almost always connected to some form of entertainment or the other. Never before has there been such a surplus of content available readily to us.

We should be lucky to be co-existing with a world that gives such a wide array of things to binge upon! And alas! With that constant presence comes the troubles with the very same appliances and devices. These gadgets have a tendency to break down at the most crucial point on your content-binge journey! As such, we need constant upkeep of these devices to keep them working. 

And while there are ways through which you can ensure your gadgets keep working fine, often issues crop up unannounced. TV repairs, along with other devices have now become a readily available service around us, owing to the increasing demand.

And to cater to such needs, Myla has built a community of service professionals who can serve you at your doorsteps.

So, if your TV needs repair, visit Myla and hire the best service professional on our site!!

TV Repair Shop Near Me

TV repair shops have changed with the changing time, as well. The yesteryear shops from the past had those road-side corner shops, where arrays of electronic parts sat on the shop floor, with a technician working with the TV set to repair it. Of course, repairing the TV was an expensive service, since it was more of a luxury back then. 

The day and age of the internet have brought forth a time when using the internet to acclaim the services of professionals becomes easy. You simply need to search for TV repair in Gurgaon, and you’d find us, among other service providers. 

At Myla, we bring you the expected level of ease when it comes to providing you with customizable services. And when you join our network, you can rest assured that your concern shall be taken care of with utmost finesse. 

Our team of knowledgeable professionals ensures that the complaints you might have with your TV and related devices are resolved in the best manner possible. And frankly, that service is what you would want from us. And that is what we deliver.

TV Repair in Gurgaon

For the frantic online searches for ‘TV repair in Gurgaon’, your quest ends with Myla. You don’t need to wait for longer times to get your TV repaired.  And you get a one-stop solution to all your TV repair needs. Our aim is to provide quality repair services with minimal efforts from your end, and help you with the TV repairs in Gurgaon, earnestly.

TV repair service – Hire the Best Professionals at Myla

All our professionals are well-known for in-house TV repair. LED TV repair is now near you! And while most technicians tend to shy away from the troubles of getting the TV’s repaired; our service-men have the skills necessary to ensure you pay the minimum for a repair.

You could head out and ask for a TV repair in Gurgaon. But you will find that people are more inclined to provide you with ‘replacement’ services, rather than TV repairs. As you know the price of a fairly decent television screen, you would not want to keep investing in newer ones every now-and-then. We can help you hire the best technician who could provide you with TV repair for flat-screen televisions, and are competent in-display repairs. 

LCD TV repair is also entertained with equal enthusiasm. Our commitment to providing you with the best service extends to the care we take in getting your TV repaired to the best of shape. Our highly trained professionals are adequately equipped with the skills necessary for dealing with technical issues that might arise for your TV.

TV repair near me – Why Myla?

For TV repair in Gurgaon, you will find it difficult to find a TV repair service provider in Gurgaon. But this is where we can help! Our professionals offer repair and servicing for your devices while being easily contacted. 

Good diagnostic skills are needed to identify and identify the fault, often as is the case with complex electronic equipment. That is where our technicians step in. They can help you troubleshoot and repair common TV problems, as well as tackle major repair issues. All this, at the most competitive prices in the market.

  • LED TV Repair

LED installation to the pre-fabricated walls and sections of your living rooms pose a challenge to inexperienced technicians. Conversely, our professionals pride ourselves in excelling in the task. So that you have the television set which complements your living space. Proper de-installation is equally important as you do not want the mounts to be damaged, as it could cause your LED to wobble on further installation. 

Even more likely is an instance where the damaged mountings could give away, and the television set might fall. Our skillful technicians shall care to dismount your LED and other TV sets with the finesse it needs.

Service professionals at Myla excel in providing hassle-free service to you. And our team of experts is ready to assist you with your TV repair needs. In the city of Gurgaon, we are fairly known. And our base of customers is increasing exponentially. We are able to clinch the market in a way no other service provider has.
Come, experience the difference with us, and see how our services for TV repair in Gurgaon make your living room lively. For any queries, contact us at Myla.


If you are a technician and hold expertise in TV repair and related services or if you own a TV repair shop and want to increase your customer base, partner with Myla. We are an online community of over 200+ service professionals in Gurgaon and nearby regions. We can help you get more customers so that you can grow your business and earn more.

For more details about our community or to join us.

How it Works?

  • 1


    Register/Log-in your account by using your phone no. or email Id. Email Id is not mandatory for domestic users but Phone No. is mandatory.

  • 2

    Select And Schedule

    Select your service from available service items from categories and schedule your order on a date and time of your choice.

  • 3


    Select a convenient payment method. You have options of pre payment or POD (payment on delivery - Cash/Card).

  • 4


    You will get an order confirmation through email and SMS. On confirmation your order will go under further processing.

How it Works?

  • 1


    Register/Log-in your account by using your phone no. or email Id. Email Id is not mandatory for domestic users but Phone No. is mandatory.

  • 2

    Select And Schedule

    Select your service from available service items from categories and schedule your order on a date and time of your choice.

  • 3

    Ask Quote

    Give your requirement details for your expected service/product. You will receive multiple quotes susequently.

  • 4


    You will get an quote order confirmation through email and SMS. On confirmation your request for quote will go under further processing.

  • 5

    Accept Quote

    Once your specifications are made you can accept the quote and associated partner will get assigned to you on scheduled date and time.

  • 6

    Work Execution

    Assigned partner will contact you befor visiting you. On your confirmation assigned partner will execute the assignment.

  • 7


    Select a convenient payment method. You have options of pre payment or POD (payment on delivery - Cash/Card).


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Address: {{ctrl.userOrder.billing.address}}
City: {{ctrl.userOrder.billing.city}}
Pincode: {{ctrl.userOrder.billing.pinCode}}
Locality: {{ctrl.userOrder.billing.locality}}
{{ctrl.cpnMsg}} close

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Date: {{item.setDate.workDate}}
Time: {{item.setTime.timeSlot}} {{item.setTime.orderTime.timeTypeLbl}}
Price: {{item.basePriceShow}} {{item.basePriceEmrgncyShow}} {{item.fnlPriceShow}}
Quantity: {{item.count}}
Free Services: {{item.freecnt}}
Net discount: {{item.netDiscToCurrency}}
Coupon: {{ctrl.cpncode}}done close
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