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Online Dietitian

Do you want to lose or gain weight? Are you pregnant, looking to become pregnant, or just had a child? Are you looking for ways to maintain your health? If yes, why not try nutrition & dietetics services at Myla? We connect you with the most experienced and professional dieticians online that would give you the very best of health & lifestyle from the comfort of your home with the help of online consultation.

Visit us at Myla!

Choose from our list of top online dieticians. Our dieticians/nutritionists are renowned experts who have been serving people online for years. 

Simply register with us and get practical lifestyle advice from our registered dietician nutritionists (RDN). 

Are you surfing “best online dieticians”? or Looking for the best online nutrition and dietician expert?

Get professional nutritional care and services by Myla! Register now.

We provide you with the best dietician who can help you plan a healthy & nutritious diet and make positive lifestyle changes. 

What does a dietitian do and how they can help?

Also called a nutritionist, a dietician is a medically trained professional in food and nutrition that alters an individual’s diet based on medical conditions, body makeup, blood type, or contributing factors affecting the nutrition one receives. Dietitians also help people maintain a healthy weight. 

Registered dietitians work with patients who are struggling to lose/gain weight or need to improve their diet for other health-related reasons. 

Click Here, if you are looking to make an appointment.

Is seeing a dietitian worth it?

A good dietitian will not only help you figure out what to eat, but they will also help change your relationship with food.

Why consulting with a dietician nutritionist?

Eat this, don’t eat that. This food is bad for you; no it’s not. A qualified dietician can help you better your health by eating right. Many of us may need help figuring out what and how much food to put on our plates. 

Let us just delve into some reasons why you need to consult a qualified professional dietician:

- Clears misconceptions one has about food and gives clear direction about what to eat, how to eat, and how much to eat.
- Plan and cook healthy meals at home.
- Read food labels and choose healthy foods at the grocery store.
- Helps individuals lose or gain weight in a healthy way without any side-effects or nutritional deficiencies.
- Help managing chronic diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or gout (a type of arthritis).
- Increasing number of individuals are diagnosed with several nutrient deficiencies such as Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, iron, calcium, etc. A qualified dietician helps prevent or combat these deficiencies by planning a balanced meal rich in these nutrients.

Difficult to find the best dieticians online? Don’t worry, we are here to help you out. Book the most renowned dietician online and get a customized diet plan for a healthy lifestyle. 

What are you waiting for? Contact us at Myla today! 

Why should you hire a dietitian from Myla? 

- Premium Quality 
- Experienced Dieticians 
- Technical Expertise 
- Effective and Efficient Results 

At MyLA, ensuring customer satisfaction and quality of services along with connecting you with the best possible dietician nutritionists is of primary importance. MyLA has a strong network of the most renowned & experienced diet consultants in India that would help you get the best diet and nutrition plan to keep yourself fit. 

At Myla, you can connect with India's top nutritionists and get the best diet plan, weight loss program, and weight gain program for you. Sounds good? 

Sign up now! Get expert nutritionist advice. 

Attention Dietitians!!! 

Are you a professional dietician or nutritionist? Are you offering an online health consultation? If you're hoping to reach global clients through the web then Myla is the right choice for you. Myla welcomes dietician nutritionists who want to gain more customers. Join our professional community by signing up with us and enhance your customer reach. 

For more details, Visit us at Myla!

How it Works?

  • 1


    Register/Log-in your account by using your phone no. or email Id. Email Id and Phone No. is mandatory for global users.

  • 2

    Select And Schedule

    Select your service from available service items from categories and schedule your order on a date and time of your choice.

  • 3


    Select a convenient payment method. You have options of pre payment or POD (payment on delivery - Cash/Card).

  • 4


    You will get an order confirmation through email and SMS. On confirmation your order will go under further processing.

How it Works?

  • 1


    Register/Log-in your account by using your phone no. or email Id. Email Id and Phone No. is mandatory for global users.

  • 2

    Select And Schedule

    Select your service from available service items from categories and schedule your order on a date and time of your choice.

  • 3

    Ask Quote

    Give your requirement details for your expected service/product. You will receive multiple quotes susequently.

  • 4


    You will get an quote order confirmation through email and SMS. On confirmation your request for quote will go under further processing.

  • 5

    Accept Quote

    Once your specifications are made you can accept the quote and associated partner will get assigned to you on scheduled date and time.

  • 6

    Work Execution

    Assigned partner will contact you befor visiting you. On your confirmation assigned partner will execute the assignment.

  • 7


    Select a convenient payment method. You have options of pre payment or POD (payment on delivery - Cash/Card).


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{{subServiceItems.basePriceShow}} ({{subServiceItems.discPercBasePrice}}%) {{subServiceItems.discBasePriceShow}}

Subtotal - {{subServiceItems.subTotalBasePriceToCurrency}} {{subServiceItems.subTotalToCurrency}}
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You must supply a OTP.

Items in your Cart

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{{selectedSubServiceItems.basePriceShow}} ({{selectedSubServiceItems.discPercBasePrice}}%) {{selectedSubServiceItems.discBasePriceShow}}

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Normal Hours Unavailable
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Same as above {{addr.typeLabel}}
You must provide an address.
You must provide an state.
You must provide an city.
You must enter pincode
You must provide an Locality.
Extra Details
{{extraField.count}} {{extraField.subsvcName}}
{{extraField.name}} : {{extraField.inputValue}}
Contact Details
Name: {{ctrl.userOrder.custName}}
Email: {{ctrl.userOrder.custEmail}}
Mobile No.: {{ctrl.userOrder.phoneNo}}
Delivery Address
Address: {{ctrl.userOrder.delivery.address}}
City: {{ctrl.userOrder.delivery.city}}
Pincode: {{ctrl.userOrder.delivery.pinCode}}
Locality: {{ctrl.userOrder.delivery.locality}}
Billing Address
Address: {{ctrl.userOrder.billing.address}}
City: {{ctrl.userOrder.billing.city}}
Pincode: {{ctrl.userOrder.billing.pinCode}}
Locality: {{ctrl.userOrder.billing.locality}}
{{ctrl.cpnMsg}} close

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Grand Total: {{ctrl.totalPriceToCurrency}}
Tax: {{ctrl.totalPricetaxAmtToCurrency}}
{{ctrl.totalBasePriceTaxincToCurrency}} {{ctrl.totalPriceTaxincToCurrency}}
Date: {{item.setDate.workDate}}
Time: {{item.setTime.timeSlot}} {{item.setTime.orderTime.timeTypeLbl}}
Price: {{item.basePriceShow}} {{item.basePriceEmrgncyShow}} {{item.fnlPriceShow}}
Quantity: {{item.count}}
Free Services: {{item.freecnt}}
Net discount: {{item.netDiscToCurrency}}
Coupon: {{ctrl.cpncode}}done close
Coupon Rebate: {{item.cpnamtShow}}
Tax: {{item.taxAmtToCurrency}}
Subtotal: {{item.subTotalBasePriceShowToCurrency}} {{item.subTotalShowToCurrency}}
* Membership Benefits of {{item.netDiscToCurrency}} applied to this suborder.
* Price discount of {{item.netDiscToCurrency}} applied to this suborder.
** Coupon Benefits of {{item.cpnamtShow}} applied to this suborder.
** {{item.cpnMsg}}
* Send prescription to whatsApp 7668632672 or Upload here.
Payment Options
Prepaid Paytm Pay On Delivery Credit Card Debit Card Net Banking Upi Prepaid PayPal Pay On Delivery Credit Card Debit Card



This service is not available in {{ctrl.pincode}} area of city {{ctrl.selectedCity}}.

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{{pin}} location_on Click for Pincodes
You must enter pincode
Please enter correct pincode
phone {{quoteCtrl.nriRegnErr}}
Please enter credential
Please enter a valid credential
phone {{quoteCtrl.nriRegnErr}}
Please enter credential
Please enter a valid credential
visibility visibility_off lock
Please Enter Password
phonelink_lockOTP Login
Please Enter OTP
Please Enter Valid OTP
{{subCat.Admn_SubCatName}} Washed Out

{{subCat.Admn_SubCatDesc | limitTo:quoteCtrl.letterLimit}}

....Read More

{{}} check_box_outline_blank check_box





remove {{subSvcItem.count}} add

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remove {{subSvcItem.count}} add
Choose Date and Time
The entered value is not a date!
This date is required!
Date is too early!
Date is too late!
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Normal Hours
Normal Hours Unavailable
Emergency Time Slots
You must provide {{field.name}}
Extra Information/Comments
You must provide Remarks/Comments
You must enter First Name
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That doesn't look like a valid email.
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That is not a valid Phone Number.
visibility visibility_off lock
Minimum 7 characters and at least 1 special character (~!@#$%^?&*).
Contact Details
You must enter First Name
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That doesn't look like a valid email.
You must enter Phone no
That doesn't look like a valid Phone Number.
You must enter Address
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You must enter pincode
pincode is invalid
pincode is invalid
Same As Previous {{address.typeLabel}}
You must enter Address
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You must enter pincode
pincode is invalid
pincode is invalid
{{item.showtime}} {{item.timelbl}}
Extra Details




Contact Details
Name:{{quoteCtrl.quotesfname}} {{quoteCtrl.quoteslname}}
Delivery Address
Billing Address


This service is not available in {{quoteCtrl.pincode}} area of city {{ctrl.selectedCity}}.

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