{{ctrl.selsvcData.Admn_SvcItmPicLink ? ctrl.selsvcData.Admn_SvcItmPicAlt : ctrl.selsvcData.Admn_SvcItmName}}



Online Fitness Instructor

Are you a gym enthusiast? Miss going to the gym in these pandemic times? How about getting a fitness instructor online? Want to start your fitness journey at home? Get the best fitness instructor online at Myla. Our trainers can provide online training services. Sounds exciting? Get your online trainer today. 

Visit us at Myla!

Looking for a fitness instructor?

Are you searching for a fitness trainer? Well, Myla can help you. Yes! We have a team of experienced and trained fitness trainers who can train you online. Meet your fitness goals with us. Wondering what are the special benefits of hiring a personal trainer? Don’t worry. We can help you in understanding the importance of hiring a personal fitness trainer. Keep reading!

Importance of a personal fitness instructor

There are many benefits of hiring a personal trainer:
  • Exercise education by our fitness instructor
  • A personal trainer helps you achieve perfect form
  • A personal fitness trainer can help with your unique requirements
  • A personal trainer can help you set realistic goals
  • Your gym trainer can be your unofficial therapist
  • Have a personalized training plan with a personal trainer

Searching for a personal fitness Instructor?

Are you looking for the best fitness trainer online? How about realizing and reaching your fitness goals at home? Sounds nice? Well, it’s possible. Get the best personal fitness trainer online for yourself at Myla. It’s time to perform exercises in your comfort space. Isn’t it amazing? Yes! Right? 
Enjoy multiple benefits in the fitness arena with the help of a personal trainer. A personal fitness trainer can offer various tips and training methods in order to help you reach your fitness goals. 

No more looking for a ‘fitness Instructor online’! - Get your trainer at Myla

Have you been looking for a fitness trainer? Get the best fitness trainer online at Myla. Let our trainers help you in achieving your fitness goals in the best way possible. Want to know how our trainers can help you? Sure! We can explain the multiple benefits of hiring our trainers. 

- Our trainers can push you a little harder and challenge you to work harder for achieving your goals.

- They can teach you to lift weights properly and provide you with valuable health knowledge. A personal trainer can study your situation clearly and help you in attaining efficient results.

- They can monitor the intensity of your exercises and also teach you how to choose exercises, weights, reps, and sets. They can explain to you how to use different tools in order to enhance your workouts.

- You might not know what exercise would work for your body. Our trainer can suggest the appropriate activities that can fit your body type requirement. Also, our professional trainer can help you get the most out of your workout.

- Our gym trainers can help you know about the areas you could improve. Also, he can introduce you to new workouts. Our skilled trainer can make you try different methods of strength training involving supersets and pyramid training. He can add a fresh perspective to your goals through new ideas that will challenge your mind and body. This way you’ll be encouraged to work harder towards maintaining your fitness.

Get the best fitness instructors at Myla who can offer you various tricks and methods to get your body in the right position. This ensures your safety and helps you avoid any kind of injury while exercising. A personal gym instructor can provide you great workout support. He can act as a motivator at all points of your fitness journey.

Getting a personal trainer will enable you to exercise with a scheduled plan. A trainer can create a program for you that would include the areas you need to work out on. Sounds good, right? A personal trainer can be your workout buddy. And the best part is you don’t have to drive to a gym for your regular workouts. You can perform exercises in a comfortable space.

Fitness instructors at Myla are a great option for you because:
  • They are good listeners and will comprehend your needs and fitness goals.
  • They will assess and track your progress regularly.
  • They will be entirely focused on helping you achieve your goals.
Sounds nice? Want to hire the best gym instructors? Contact Myla today!

Join our team of professional fitness instructors

Are you a qualified gym trainer? Looking for gym trainer jobs? Or want to expand your business online? How about making Myla your sales team? Yes! No more searching for gym trainer jobs online. We can help you earn great profits. Partner with us and we will help you reach a wider audience. Our inquiry engine can help you attract more customers. 

Also, given the pandemic times, we make sure that your safety is maintained. Yes! We provide safety kits to our professionals. So, end your search for a gym trainer vacancy online. Come join us

Sounds good? Get in touch with us today.

Sign up now!

How it Works?

  • 1


    Register/Log-in your account by using your phone no. or email Id. Email Id and Phone No. is mandatory for global users.

  • 2

    Select And Schedule

    Select your service from available service items from categories and schedule your order on a date and time of your choice.

  • 3


    Select a convenient payment method. You have options of pre payment or POD (payment on delivery - Cash/Card).

  • 4


    You will get an order confirmation through email and SMS. On confirmation your order will go under further processing.

How it Works?

  • 1


    Register/Log-in your account by using your phone no. or email Id. Email Id and Phone No. is mandatory for global users.

  • 2

    Select And Schedule

    Select your service from available service items from categories and schedule your order on a date and time of your choice.

  • 3

    Ask Quote

    Give your requirement details for your expected service/product. You will receive multiple quotes susequently.

  • 4


    You will get an quote order confirmation through email and SMS. On confirmation your request for quote will go under further processing.

  • 5

    Accept Quote

    Once your specifications are made you can accept the quote and associated partner will get assigned to you on scheduled date and time.

  • 6

    Work Execution

    Assigned partner will contact you befor visiting you. On your confirmation assigned partner will execute the assignment.

  • 7


    Select a convenient payment method. You have options of pre payment or POD (payment on delivery - Cash/Card).


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{{pin}} location_on Click for Pincodes
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{{subServiceItems.basePriceShow}} ({{subServiceItems.discPercBasePrice}}%) {{subServiceItems.discBasePriceShow}}

Subtotal - {{subServiceItems.subTotalBasePriceToCurrency}} {{subServiceItems.subTotalToCurrency}}
{{ctrl.resendLabel}} {{ctrl.registerCheckoutError}}
You must supply a OTP.

Items in your Cart

{{selectedSubServiceItems.Admn_SubSvcName}} ({{selectedSubServiceItems.selectedSubCategoryTitle}})

{{selectedSubServiceItems.basePriceShow}} ({{selectedSubServiceItems.discPercBasePrice}}%) {{selectedSubServiceItems.discBasePriceShow}}

Subtotal - {{selectedSubServiceItems.subTotalBasePriceToCurrency}} {{selectedSubServiceItems.subTotalToCurrency}}
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Date is too late!
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Normal Hours
Normal Hours Unavailable
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{{extraField.count}} {{extraField.subsvcName}}
You must provide {{extraField.name}}
You must provide an Full Name.
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That doesn't look like a valid Email.
You must provide an Phone Number.
That doesn't look like a valid Phone Number.
You must provide an address.
You must provide an state.
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Same as above {{addr.typeLabel}}
You must provide an address.
You must provide an state.
You must provide an city.
You must enter pincode
You must provide an Locality.
Extra Details
{{extraField.count}} {{extraField.subsvcName}}
{{extraField.name}} : {{extraField.inputValue}}
Contact Details
Name: {{ctrl.userOrder.custName}}
Email: {{ctrl.userOrder.custEmail}}
Mobile No.: {{ctrl.userOrder.phoneNo}}
Delivery Address
Address: {{ctrl.userOrder.delivery.address}}
City: {{ctrl.userOrder.delivery.city}}
Pincode: {{ctrl.userOrder.delivery.pinCode}}
Locality: {{ctrl.userOrder.delivery.locality}}
Billing Address
Address: {{ctrl.userOrder.billing.address}}
City: {{ctrl.userOrder.billing.city}}
Pincode: {{ctrl.userOrder.billing.pinCode}}
Locality: {{ctrl.userOrder.billing.locality}}
{{ctrl.cpnMsg}} close

Get Coupon

Grand Total: {{ctrl.totalPriceToCurrency}}
Tax: {{ctrl.totalPricetaxAmtToCurrency}}
{{ctrl.totalBasePriceTaxincToCurrency}} {{ctrl.totalPriceTaxincToCurrency}}
Date: {{item.setDate.workDate}}
Time: {{item.setTime.timeSlot}} {{item.setTime.orderTime.timeTypeLbl}}
Price: {{item.basePriceShow}} {{item.basePriceEmrgncyShow}} {{item.fnlPriceShow}}
Quantity: {{item.count}}
Free Services: {{item.freecnt}}
Net discount: {{item.netDiscToCurrency}}
Coupon: {{ctrl.cpncode}}done close
Coupon Rebate: {{item.cpnamtShow}}
Tax: {{item.taxAmtToCurrency}}
Subtotal: {{item.subTotalBasePriceShowToCurrency}} {{item.subTotalShowToCurrency}}
* Membership Benefits of {{item.netDiscToCurrency}} applied to this suborder.
* Price discount of {{item.netDiscToCurrency}} applied to this suborder.
** Coupon Benefits of {{item.cpnamtShow}} applied to this suborder.
** {{item.cpnMsg}}
* Send prescription to whatsApp 7668632672 or Upload here.
Payment Options
Prepaid Paytm Pay On Delivery Credit Card Debit Card Net Banking Upi Prepaid PayPal Pay On Delivery Credit Card Debit Card



This service is not available in {{ctrl.pincode}} area of city {{ctrl.selectedCity}}.

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{{pin}} location_on Click for Pincodes
You must enter pincode
Please enter correct pincode
phone {{quoteCtrl.nriRegnErr}}
Please enter credential
Please enter a valid credential
phone {{quoteCtrl.nriRegnErr}}
Please enter credential
Please enter a valid credential
visibility visibility_off lock
Please Enter Password
phonelink_lockOTP Login
Please Enter OTP
Please Enter Valid OTP
{{subCat.Admn_SubCatName}} Washed Out

{{subCat.Admn_SubCatDesc | limitTo:quoteCtrl.letterLimit}}

....Read More

{{}} check_box_outline_blank check_box





remove {{subSvcItem.count}} add

Your Services




remove {{subSvcItem.count}} add
Choose Date and Time
The entered value is not a date!
This date is required!
Date is too early!
Date is too late!
This Date is Disable!
Normal Hours
Normal Hours Unavailable
Emergency Time Slots
You must provide {{field.name}}
Extra Information/Comments
You must provide Remarks/Comments
You must enter First Name
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That doesn't look like a valid email.
You must enter Phone no.
That is not a valid Phone Number.
visibility visibility_off lock
Minimum 7 characters and at least 1 special character (~!@#$%^?&*).
Contact Details
You must enter First Name
You must enter Last Name
That doesn't look like a valid email.
You must enter Phone no
That doesn't look like a valid Phone Number.
You must enter Address
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You must enter pincode
pincode is invalid
pincode is invalid
Same As Previous {{address.typeLabel}}
You must enter Address
You must enter locality
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You must enter City
You must enter pincode
pincode is invalid
pincode is invalid
{{item.showtime}} {{item.timelbl}}
Extra Details




Contact Details
Name:{{quoteCtrl.quotesfname}} {{quoteCtrl.quoteslname}}
Delivery Address
Billing Address


This service is not available in {{quoteCtrl.pincode}} area of city {{ctrl.selectedCity}}.

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